Giles Bowkett
Archaeopteryx: A Ruby MIDI Generator
Archaeopteryx generates MIDI bytecodes which produce music via prosumer applications such as Propellerhead Reason. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not use cases really exist for Ruby features like lambda, eval, continuations, and higher-order functions, Archaeopteryx demonstrates not just the usefulness but the power and flexibility of these techniques. Archaeopteryx also uses statistical AI methods - specifically, probability matrices, similar to those used in naive Bayesian classifiers – to define templates for possible grooves.
An experiment in progress, Archaeopteryx currently generates techno drum rhythms and New-Agey ambient soundscapes with ease. Developing additional features by the time of GoRuCo is very, very likely. Following the pattern of all successful technology projects, Archaeopteryx targets low-hanging fruit with superior technology, and scales up from there. This presentation will feature no slides at all, and focus instead on demonstrations, explaining existing code, and writing new code live.