Kinsey Ann Durham
Impactful Refactors: Refactoring for Readability
We have no problem justifying a refactoring effort when it improves performance or eliminates a code smell. What if I told you there’s a way your refactoring could be even more impactful? One of the most costly and time-consuming things we do is on boarding. It takes an incredible amount of effort to bring a developer up to speed on a new codebase. In this talk, we’ll see three real-world readability refactors, discuss how you can apply these techniques for the benefit of your current (and future) team members, and how we can continue to program with empathy in mind.

Kinsey is a software engineer at GoSpotCheck in Denver, Colorado. She co-founded Kubmo, a non-profit dedicated to building technology curriculum for women's empowerment programs around the world. She is the chair of the BridgeFoundry board and is obsessed with dogs, especially her dog, Harleigh.