Fabio Akita
Pipe Operator for Ruby
Developer happiness is what brought me to Ruby in the first place. And of all the new compiled languages, Crystal is the only one that shares this value. The syntax and idioms are entirely Ruby inspired. Although Crystal looks very similar to Ruby, there are big differences between the two. Crystal is statically typed and dispatched. While there are no runtime dynamic features, the compile-time macros solve many of the same problems. In this session, we’ll take a close look at these differences as well as the similarities, and what Ruby developers can learn from this exciting language.

Co-Founder of Codeminer 42 America LLC, a Brazilian based and USA incorporated Rails and New Tech offshore outsourcing boutique. Also founder and organizer of Rubyconf Brazil together with Locaweb since 2008. Blog at AkitaOnRails.com as a Ruby Activist since 2006.